Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alfred Palmer's 4x5 Kodachromes

While reading back issues of the now defunct PhotoShelter blog, Shoot! The Blog, I followed a link that took me to Shorpy (the 100 year old photo blog) and their gallery of now public domain images shot on 4x5 Kodachrome by Alfred Palmer. The Office of War Information (OWI) commissioned photographers like Mr. Palmer to produce ducumentary/propaganda material during WWII. Images produced by the OWI are archived at the Library of Congress along with the better known Farm Security Administration (FSA) images produced by the legendary Dorthea Lange, Walker Evans, and others.

4x5 Kodachromes. Beautiful I do think. And look at the use of directional lighting, these guys really actually had to understand lighting ratios and expsure - no chimping with the lcd screen as with digital.

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